The Hiccups

As business owners, we all experience highs and lows. The valleys can be pretty tough to navigate, but there’s always a way to get back up and see the sunlight through the stormy clouds. Sometimes those challenges are so bad that it truly forces us to want to throw in the towel at times. When things are good, things are good. But when things are bad, they are pretty bad. For all those who have been there, you know what I mean. There is a saying, “when it rains, it pours.” For some reason, the timing also plays a big part. It seems as if those scenarios happens at the worst times.

When we experience these low valleys, it’s pretty tough to see the sun through the very dark clouds. Even though we already know that this is what we ought to do, we can easily get succumbed to the feelings of hopelessness and despair. Job 2:12 says, “Will we accept the good hand of God, but will not accept the bad?” When we look at the grand scheme of things, from a birds eye level, (and I am talking about an eagle, not a chicken), you will see that this so called “bad” situation is a small dot in our lives. In fact, there are more good times than bad.

They key is perspective. What you focus on, will be magnified. The more you focus on the bad, the more you attract bad things. When you focus on the blessings, you will find that the more blessings come your way. Whatever situation you may be in, CHOOSE to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. Even though there isn’t one, force yourself to make one by hitting it with a hammer metaphorically speaking). This too shall pass. No matter how tough it may seem, please know that this situation will fade away in time. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward and pursue the God given dream that has been inside of you since the beginning of time. It gives Him great pleasure to make sure that it will come to pass if you do not give up.
