Make Hits

” Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9 

As a Entrepreneur or Business Professional, you will experience times in which you will have to make decisions afraid. For many years I struggled to take action on things that I know is the right thing to do for myself and my business, because of fear that I was going to fail. I am such a perfectionist in that I always want to ensure that I can see great results, and if it doesn’t turn out that way or things seem unsure… I’d rather sit on the bench than play. This my friends is going to be the biggest stumbling block to your success. I know because I wasted so much time over the years. Once I realized that no matter what happens, God is going to work everything out for my good, things started changing… and I mean swiftly. My life dramatically changed over the past few years, and I am still amazed to this day how much I have accelerated in my personal, professional, and spiritual life the moment I learned to surrender to the notion that He is guiding me, because I am seeking Him daily. Try opening the door even though you don’t know what is behind it. Doors will naturally present themselves to you if you are looking for it.  I have opened doors and to my pleasant surprise have received positive outcomes. Other times I went in the door, came back out, shut the door behind me, and threw away the key. (Lol) You get my point. But it was okay, because I never wondered… what if? Don’t live your life sitting on the bench. Get in there. Play. Try new things. You will eventually score. Remember One point is better than None. That one point just made you a Winner. Zig Ziglar said, “The difference between a little shot and a big shot, is the big shot was a little shot who just kept on hitting.”
